1. 作为公司管理层参与公司战略规划,负责制定公司的营销战略,提出市场推广、品牌、公关、活动等方面的整体规划和实施方案,全面完成公司目标任务;
2. 全国各类线上(电商、微信营销等)销售渠道的搭建及管理,为公司营销品牌的推广提供卓实效、可执行性的营销解决方案;
3. 负责市场调研、产品分析,对竞争对手进行研究与监控,对项目运行及产品升级提供合理化建议,并根据市场动态变化进行营销思路调整和创新;
4. 根据品牌推广发展战略,结合部门业务需求,制订可行的媒体合作计划,完成媒介推广的合作模式的建立;
5. 组建、培训、管理及考核销售团队;
1. 大学专科以上学历,管理类/医药类/营销类/生物技术/食品科学等相关专业;
2. 有5年以上快速消费品线上经营管理经验,至少3年以上保健品线上销售、管理经验;
3. 熟悉保健食品市场及各销售渠道状况,有全国市场运作经营管理经验,对相关产品的法令法规有一定的了解,具有保健品公司销售管理(销售经理以上职务)经验的优先考虑;
4. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力、强烈的销售意识及良好的客户资源;
5. 有严密的逻辑思维能力和全面的分析判断能力,较强的统筹协调能力;
5. 优秀的计划、沟通与组织协调能力,能带领团队高效完成营销活动;
6. 具备优秀的沟通能力和团队合作精神并能组建销售团队;重视团队建设价值,关注团队成员成长。
公司简介 Introduction:
Lytone Enterprise was founded by Dr. William T. H. Chang in 1994, and later on received investors such as Apex Biotechnology Corp., Fidelity Venture Capital Corp. and Champion Venture Capital. The Company ****ive is to develop market application know-how for biotechnology products in food, agriculture and livestock industry. Our business territory includes Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe, USA and Japan.
公司组织 Organization:
The Administration, Marketing and Research & Development department are headquartered in Taipei, with branch offices in Tainan and Beijing. A wholly owned subsidiary has been set up in Hong Kong and Shanghai respectively in 2001.
研究发展与技术服务 R&D and Technical Services:
Lytone established a laboratory in 1999 for Research & Development, as well as technical services. Research staffs include experts in biotechnology, food and chemical engineering with Ph. D and MS degree. The ****ive is not only to develop superior products and technology, but also to assure customers with timely and professional services.
技术平台 Technology Platform:
Microbiology: The Company is able to provide complete set of lactic acid bacteria production know-how. Such know-how can be applied to fermented dairy products such as yogurts and cheese, as well as probiotic products for human and animal.
Preservation and anti-microbial technologies for food, agriculture and other industries.
Slow release of protein substances: Applicable to animal hormone and other similar products for long term effects.
Total solutions for nutraceuticals: Tailor made formulation, premix and end product design for customers who have specific health food concepts but are not sure how to do it. All of our products under ODM contracts are made by GMP certified facilities.
产品范围及项目 Products:
Lytone represents products from the following companies, besides those of its own.