【Title:International Product Manager 】
Were looking for good pm who can handle working in an international environment publishes multiple versions of the same app simultaneously.
Looking for perfectionists, pessimists and problem solvers that are patient.
• Strong technical **** with intuitive design sense
• Incredible attention to detail in language, usability and design
• Experience in Jira/Slack/Axure preferred
• Analytical
• Very comfortable reading technical documents to identify opportunities
• Experienced developing features that drive engagement, growth (viral & organic) and retention
• Strong understanding of brand and marketing
1. 1-3年产品工作经验,有移动端产品经验
2. 有热情,有创意,有责任感,渴望做一款好产品,具备universal的app design sense
3. 强烈的数据意识,思路清晰,出色的逻辑分析能力
4. 对产品细节与体验设计敏感,交互设计能力优秀者优先
5. 具备出色的中英文沟通能力,能独立研习docs,有留学经历者优先考虑
【why nice?】
1. 有竞争力的薪资+福利+期权
2. nice的氛围和成长:定期技术分享,code巡讲,技术会议,产品吐槽大会
3. 全年海外outing,错过了马年的芭提雅冲浪,一定不要错过羊年的日本横滨之旅
4. 1800平新装修办公office,无限量供应咖啡、饮料、水果、零食。。。更有节日surprise
nice app是一款图片+标签的社交类应用,于2013年10月底上线App Store,短短几个月时间就得到了中国年轻一代用户的钟爱,用户规模高速成长,并完成了A轮、B轮和C轮一共6400万美金的融资,目前市场估值已经超过3亿美金,这在新型创业型公司中是较为突出的,公司非常注重人才,也很重视人的quality和productivity, 招募的人